Friday 24 September 2010

Why MLM is The Future

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that we’re in the midst of a crisis, and there’s a lot of unemployed people out there. Its frightening. What’s one of the first budgets to be cut? Training. And sales and marketing.

Most companies cut back on the marketing – because they don’t see it as an investment, but an expense. And that’s because most companies are just throwing money away. Some magazine will ring them out the blue – and they’ll advertise in it. Some directory will ring them out the blue – and they’ll spend money on it – without really questioning whether or not it’s worth the time, effort and energy.

As a result – many companies are having to let their sales and marketing staff go, because they cannot justify the cost they have to their business. Where are the sales which they’re supposed to be bringing in?

Why is Multi-Level Marketing the future?

Network Marketing is the future because companies have cottoned onto the fact that what gets rewarded directly, gets done. You have MOTIVATED keen, enthusiastic sales people, who when SUCCESSFUL are paid way and beyond anything that they’d ever get in a traditional 9 to 5. They then train others to be just like them – and get paid for helping those to achieve their targets too. Residually. It’s win/win all round.

Interestingly, many people shy away from Network Marketing. If you advertise a job – minimum wage – sales… you’ll be flooded with applicants. Advertise that same job opportunity as one whereby your direct success will be linked to your compensation… and fewer people want to apply for it. Why is that?

Is it because ‘most people’ prefer a safe, secure 9 to 5 where they get paid – whether they perform or not? Or is it because ‘most people’ are no good at what they’re paid to do – and they know that they need the security of a regular pay cheque because they wouldn’t get paid otherwise?

I’m not sure. But I do know this. If companies could pay solely for those sales people who perform – then the world would turn upside down.

MLM is the future – but you have to be a visionary to see it.

Can you see it?

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Have You Ever Thought of Starting Your Own Business?

Not everyone has the courage to start their own business. Too many people are terrified by what others might think of them. So instead, they follow what everyone else does – they join the rat race, work long hours, keep their head down and hope for a promotion. An odd thing happens though. The amount you earn is very rarely enough. Most people just seem to spend what they earn. They barely make the ends meet. They seem to just have enough – but not more. They ‘get by’. But, surely, there should be more to life than just ‘getting by’?!

Why you need to have a PLAN

We’re all living longer – and yet because we’re in the midst of a recession – an interesting thing has happened. People have had to face up to their money problems. Many people are in debt that is just about manageable. And many people are only 1 or 2 pay cheques away from not being able to pay the rent / put food on their table / can’t make the car repayment etc., Most people seem to think that ‘in the future’ it’ll get better…. Yet somehow it never does. Unless you have a PLAN as to how tomorrow will be better than today… there’s not any reason why anything will improve. You need to plan for it.

Selling Your Time For Money

Most people are still only getting their money by trading their time for money. And guess what – with only 24 hours in a day (take out a bit for eating, sleeping etc.,), your potential earning income is limited. Now, we (deep down) know this. But never-the-less, some of us still try and beat the odds. We’ll put in overtime, and sell ‘more’ time for ‘more’ money… but still, it cannot go on indefinitely. You’re fighting a losing battle.
One day we need to take a holiday. We’re ill. We’re off work for pregnancy or we retire or we have to care for a loved one… and when you don’t work … you don’t get paid.

There has to be a better way.
There is.

You need to find another income stream which doesn’t depend entirely upon your own efforts. It’s far better to get 1% of 100 peoples efforts, than rely 100% on your own. A ‘Business’ by definition is a collection of systems – which many people input into, and it works for its owners – by churning out a few gold coins – again and again and again. You need to find your own little golden business like this. One which can operate independently of you. One which can pay you a commission & bonus – residually.

Residual Income

In fact Ardyss International pays its distributors / agents in 10 ways – outlined here:

Why Do So Many Business Fail

There is a lot to keep an eye on – staff, products, marketing, delivery, payments etc., Whereas in a network marketing business – the products itself have already been designed and manufactured to an extremely high standard. You don’t have staff and payroll costs to meet – you have business partners who are self-motivated and who you can work together with. You have training, systems and procedures in place to help you achieve. There is no limit to what you can earn or do with this industry.

Robert Kiyosaki – The Perfect Business

Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ wrote a book called ‘The Business School’ and he talked about how Network Marketing as an industry is the best chance many people have to get Financial Freedom. Donald Trump also believes that Network Marketing is one of the best business models out there, for a 21st century business. Empires are being built daily, using this system. If you think of Facebook – you were referred to Facebook by a friend who invited you to join. Facebook has never advertised anywhere, and yet there are 400 million users. Take a moment, to think about the POWER of social networks and what word of mouth marketing can do.

Ardyss Success stories are on the website:  - You can read about real people, people who were at risk of repossession … people who just got involved with the business to make a bit of extra money to see them through the down turn when the credit crunch happened…. Who now earn 5 or 6 figure cheques every month in commissions and bonuses.

Now, I know you’re thinking it’s impossible. Or ‘that won’t happen to me’ or the sceptic in you is on alert. But it’s no joke. For those who are able, willing and ready for the opportunity – under the guidance of a good upline / team leader – someone who made President and 5 figures in their 3rd month of the business… do you think you just might do well ? Yes, I think so to. So, the only word of warning is – if you’re looking at Ardyss / already looked at Ardyss – please, look at it with open eyes and an open mind. And become the business partner of someone who ‘gets it’, who is business minded and can help you to get off to a flying start.

Find out more today

We have a LIVE daily information presentation online at 8pm GMT. 

To get the password for the presentation, just email or just take a look at: www.BodyMagic.Me.Uk

Friday 17 September 2010

All About Ardyss International &How Their Products Work

Who is Ardyss International?

Ardyss International is a 20 year old Mexican company that produces a range of health and beauty products sold directly to consumers through distributors. Currently the main core of Ardyss International’s range is medical grade Body Reshaping Garments, though the offering is expanding rapidly.
Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments have the ability to give you an instant visual weight and size reduction; and possibly an actual instant clothing size reduction (depending on the garment being tried or purchased and your body shape and degree of excess body tissue).
The most exciting thing is that with consistent wear, Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments can help you lose weight, go down an actual clothing size or three and improve your skin tone – again depending on the garment, your body shape when you start and constancy of use.

Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments are not like anything you would buy from Triumph or Spanx, Marks & Spencer or BHS or other "fashion" garments that you may have seen in the press or on television make-over programmes. All these “fashion” garments are made from standard hot, sweaty, minimally effective, fashion fabrics. Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments are made from a special medical grade compression fabric called Power Net which was first developed more than 20 years ago.
Power Net is cooler, breaths, is anti-bacterial and has a micro-massaging action that encourages the lymphatic system (the body’s natural drainage system which supports a healthy immune system) to flush, releasing water retention and draining excess fluid, reducing the appearance of cellulite and firming saggy skin and tissue.

Medical grade compression garments made of fabric on a par with, and similar to  Power Net, are used in medicine to help heal the skin tissue of serious burns victims and in oncology to help post operative hormonal cancer patients – men who have had testicular or prostate cancers; women who have had breast, uterine, ovarian etc cancers. Again it is the micro-massaging action of the fabric, that activates the lymphatics, which helps to alleviate and reverse the oedema (water retention due to compromised lymphatics) they tend to suffer after having parts of their body systems or lymphatic nodes removed and conversely strengthen their immune system.
These medical grade fabrics were further used in the 80s to aid post operative liposuction patients, as that type of plastic surgery evolved, to hold the tissue in place as it healed, compressing it comfortably without getting hot or sweaty and releasing retained trauma fluid through the micro massaging action and conversely  discharging the toxins from the fat cells of the body.
It was at this time that a Mexican orthopaedic surgeon developed the Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments for his post operative orthopaedic patients to keep them posturally correct, to ensure their procedures healed correctly and effieicntly. He also started to use the garments for patients who had spinal issues, but were not so unwell so as to need an operation, but just to alleviate the discomfort from their condition, by holding them correctly.
Additionally, the lymphatic draining action of the Power Net, together with the fact that the compression action on the midriff which held the digestive tract and digestive organs in place for optimum function, resulted in patients starting to lose weight - a very useful side effect!
Most people hold between 5lbs and 10lbs in fluid retention and a similar amount of weight in their intestinal tract if they do not empty their bowels at least 3 times a day.

Consistent use of the Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments together with drinking at least 3 litres of water, or other healthy fluids, a day, has a cumulative effect, resulting in making most people lose this sort of weight in the first 2 to 3 weeks.
Today there are 26 Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments available. 5 for men, one for pregnancy, one post partum and the rest for women in general - two of them have extra weight loss action through the addition of natural latex, which has the ability to induce the breakdown of deeper more stubborn fat. Naturally, due to the latex, these two garments have a tendency to make you hot and/or sweat too, so you have to be prepared for that effect and drink at least an extra litre of water with them.

Latex - Slim Shaper with Straps

The one consistent factor amongst all the Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments is that they give you postural/spinal support, therefore stopping you from slouching, improve digestion and make your lymphatics function optimally and therefore can dramatically reduce and prevent water retention.

An exciting recent study at the University of Ohio on obese female teenagers between 13 and 16 found that wearing the Body Magic Ardyss Reshaping Garment lost the girls 11lbs in weight, 2 points on the BMI scale, inches on the waist and 4% body fat - just by wearing the garment daily for a minimum of 4 hours, over a 3 month period.

The most important factor is that the instant visual weight and size reduction of the Body Magic Ardyss Reshaping Garment, instantly gave the girls in the study greater confidence and a morale boost, which encouraged them to lead a healthier lifestyle, encouraging them to eat more healthfully and to seek out exercise, making the effects even more dramatic. 

Body Magic (Available in Black, White & Biege)

Ardyss Reshaping Garments have different strengths of control/compression – amongst the female garments, the Body Magic (and its longer leg and strapless versions) being the most extreme, the T-Shirt Light the least.

Though the T-Shirt Light still has the postural control, aids the digestion, has  the lymphatic action and immediately smoothes away all tissue lumps and bumps, giving you a visually slimmer and firmer torso even in the tightest of clothing.

T-Shirt Lite (Available in Black & Biege)
One of Ardyss UK’s happiest customers is a lady called Marie, who was a size 20 in her clothes, we put her in a Body Magic and she was instantly a size 18!
Marie wore the Body Magic everyday for 8 hours, and though she did not specifically exercise or diet, she did eat more healthily, increase her healthy fluid intake to just over 3 litres a day and took an Ardyss Nutritional programme for 3 weeks that regulated her bowel elimination from every other day to 3 times daily;  and 9 weeks later she went to her daughter’s wedding in Dublin in a size 12 dress! (though out of the garment she was still a size 14 - but from a size 20 out of the garment to a size 14 in 9 weeks, is still an amazing feat!)

Marie is now a slim and healthy walking advertisement for Ardyss International and an Independent Ardyss International Distributor!

Power Net is an expensive fabric to manufacture, much more expensive than fashion fabrics, which is why if the Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments were sold in shops they would be 2 or 3 times the price that they are sold at.
To ensure that Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments are available to every person on the High Street, without compromising the quality and medical properties of the garments, the owners of Ardyss International have set up a network of Ardyss International Distributors, like me, who sell the Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments at house parties or Showcases, just like Tupperware and Avon are

Ardyss International Distributors will also come privately to your home or place of work and explain the Garments, Nutritional Products and Skincare Range to you and you can also buy all the products from the website.


We do Cleanser, Toner, Creams, Lotions ... very high quality stuff

Each client has to be specifically measured as the sizes they will see on their Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments have absolutely no correlation to European, British, American or other International sizes.

The size of garment you are fitted with depends on 4 specific measurements, your body shape and your specific individual type of body tissue.
Ardyss International Distributors are specially trained to take these measurements and asses your body type, so it is always best to meet up with a distributor for your first Ardyss inquiry, if you can, though in an emergency it can be done over the telephone with the detailed personal guidance of your Ardyss International Distributor.
All Ardyss Body Reshaping Garments have to be bought through an authorised Ardyss International Distributor or their website link with the parent company, which is based in Las Vegas - having moved there from Mexico City 2 years ago.

The main US warehouse is in Las Vegas.

If you wish to send a garment outside the official Ardyss International opened markets, you will have to purchase and have it sent to you in the UK, and then organise the delivery onwards.


Thursday 16 September 2010

7 Reasons Why Body Magic is Proving so Popular with Black Women

It doesn’t take a genius, to work out that The Body Magic (drop 2-3 dress sizes in 10 minutes), has proven especially popular amongst black women. Don’t get me wrong. All women can wear the magic. It does what it says it’ll do on the tin – but the black women seem to have latched onto this product - a lot more than anyone else. I’ve been asked why this is. So this short blog explains what is going on. What is the secret behind why so many black women are involved in The Body Magic. And (more importantly for those of you out there who are looking to change their lives) how to get in, on what is – the opportunity of a lifetime. 

So why are so many Black Women raving about the Body Magic?

  1. Black women eat heavier foods
Nothing is wrong with Yam, Banana, Dumplings, Chicken etc., also known as ‘hard food’ – you need to eat. And on food like this – you can put in a full days work. But lets face it - it’s not rabbit food. It’s not lettuce (which is 97% water). Its heavier food. As a result, you’re more likely to be solid and / or bigger than other counterparts. So you may feel more inclined to need to look slimmer, to ‘fit in’. The Body Magic does the trick.
Before & After The Body Magic

  1. Black women are concerned about their hair
If you want to lose weight – most people will tell you to go to the gym. Take up exercise – go swimming, running, jogging…. If you don’t want to ‘ruin’ your hair – you’re not really going to be willing to do these things – especially when the BodyMagic is an instant fix.

  1. Other groups have their own personal trainer (and/or in-house gym)
The trend these days isn’t just to go to the gym – but to have the gym come to you. I.e. a step machine, weights, and your own personal trainer. None of these are cheap – but other groups (who are fitness-mad), will go to these lengths, so that they lose weight and keep it off. If you don’t have that kind of luxury – you’ll need to go to other lengths to look the part. The Body Magic helps.
Before Body Magic

  1. Networks – Friends and Family
The way the Body Magic works – we tell our friends and family about the amazing benefits, the dropping 2 sizes, the 2 step system – and how you can lose weight without pills, diets, surgery or exercise. Because it’s a direct sales company – we tend to tell people who we know. And because the Body Magic was popular with black women in the FIRST place (see above) – as a result – more of us have told our friends and family (people who look like us), so the products continue to be more popular amongst black women. I’ll tell my mum, my sister, my cousin – in turn, they’ll tend their friends – and (for the time being at least) – black women will predominantly be the ladies who you introduce to the business.
After Body Magic

  1. Genes
“That African bum” – apparently, African American / Afro Caribbean / Africans – have a susceptibility to being slightly bigger… and in a Western Society which promotes the size zero – the Body Magic has helped to fit in. Just like weave – we can make a choice about how / what we look like. Body Magic helps to give you that defined hour glass figure.

  1. Black women more likely to be single
No idea what the statistics are – (it was on the news), but marriage rates are the lowest amongst black women … The Body Magic works a little bit like Avon – and you can earn a bit of money on the side if you become a member (£28) / or a distributor and people place an order through you. If you have extra mouths to feed, and / or are on your own (or even if you’re not), there is a great opportunity with this company to earn extra income. It’s a business that can be worked part time around other things. 

  1. Black women like to look good (and are prepared to go to further extremes than anyone else)
In my experience – Black women got far more excited by the Body Magic than anyone else. I think Black women like to look good, and put a huge amount of energy, time and effort into looking their best. The Body Magic just further enhances ones best attributes. In some countries – e.g. Nigeria – the wives of the top men have died having surgery – (trying to look good), but the Body Magic is like giving you fantastic results, but without the surgery. Plus, if it’s a competitive field – and you want to look better than wife number 3 etc., then the Body magic certainly gives you the edge.

So there you have it – a few reasons why the Body Magic is proving extremely popular…. But, it won’t always be the case… because as the word of mouth marketing spreads… as we start talking more and more about the fabulous health benefits – e.g. it supports the back (good for your posture). The LeVive juice is high in anti-oxidants – so is great for the skin and overall well being… as that message starts to be spread – you’ll find other groups of people will be equally as interested in Body Magic....

Get Slim in 10 Minutes!?

Its not just a black thing. It’s a people thing. It’s a diet thing. A health thing. A people business. We are looking for distributors / agents – globally, from all walks of life, to help us to get this business opportunity and the products ‘out there’ to the masses, and to the wider community.

If you are a single mum. If you need to make a bit of extra money. If you’re already running a business and want to add another income stream to your pipeline. If you are into health & fitness. If you are overweight – it really doesn’t matter …. We are looking for hard-working agents, who can see that these products (the body magic, the juice, the nutritional products) are needed. We’re a society, who are more overweight and out of shape than before. And there are plenty of people out there who are looking for what we have to offer. And who need us.
Check it out: