Tuesday 21 September 2010

Have You Ever Thought of Starting Your Own Business?

Not everyone has the courage to start their own business. Too many people are terrified by what others might think of them. So instead, they follow what everyone else does – they join the rat race, work long hours, keep their head down and hope for a promotion. An odd thing happens though. The amount you earn is very rarely enough. Most people just seem to spend what they earn. They barely make the ends meet. They seem to just have enough – but not more. They ‘get by’. But, surely, there should be more to life than just ‘getting by’?!

Why you need to have a PLAN

We’re all living longer – and yet because we’re in the midst of a recession – an interesting thing has happened. People have had to face up to their money problems. Many people are in debt that is just about manageable. And many people are only 1 or 2 pay cheques away from not being able to pay the rent / put food on their table / can’t make the car repayment etc., Most people seem to think that ‘in the future’ it’ll get better…. Yet somehow it never does. Unless you have a PLAN as to how tomorrow will be better than today… there’s not any reason why anything will improve. You need to plan for it.

Selling Your Time For Money

Most people are still only getting their money by trading their time for money. And guess what – with only 24 hours in a day (take out a bit for eating, sleeping etc.,), your potential earning income is limited. Now, we (deep down) know this. But never-the-less, some of us still try and beat the odds. We’ll put in overtime, and sell ‘more’ time for ‘more’ money… but still, it cannot go on indefinitely. You’re fighting a losing battle.
One day we need to take a holiday. We’re ill. We’re off work for pregnancy or we retire or we have to care for a loved one… and when you don’t work … you don’t get paid.

There has to be a better way.
There is.

You need to find another income stream which doesn’t depend entirely upon your own efforts. It’s far better to get 1% of 100 peoples efforts, than rely 100% on your own. A ‘Business’ by definition is a collection of systems – which many people input into, and it works for its owners – by churning out a few gold coins – again and again and again. You need to find your own little golden business like this. One which can operate independently of you. One which can pay you a commission & bonus – residually.

Residual Income

In fact Ardyss International pays its distributors / agents in 10 ways – outlined here: http://www.ardysslife.com/CompensationPlan.aspx?ID=stkitts

Why Do So Many Business Fail

There is a lot to keep an eye on – staff, products, marketing, delivery, payments etc., Whereas in a network marketing business – the products itself have already been designed and manufactured to an extremely high standard. You don’t have staff and payroll costs to meet – you have business partners who are self-motivated and who you can work together with. You have training, systems and procedures in place to help you achieve. There is no limit to what you can earn or do with this industry.

Robert Kiyosaki – The Perfect Business

Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ wrote a book called ‘The Business School’ and he talked about how Network Marketing as an industry is the best chance many people have to get Financial Freedom. Donald Trump also believes that Network Marketing is one of the best business models out there, for a 21st century business. Empires are being built daily, using this system. If you think of Facebook – you were referred to Facebook by a friend who invited you to join. Facebook has never advertised anywhere, and yet there are 400 million users. Take a moment, to think about the POWER of social networks and what word of mouth marketing can do.

Ardyss Success stories are on the website: www.ArdyssLife.com/StKitts  - You can read about real people, people who were at risk of repossession … people who just got involved with the business to make a bit of extra money to see them through the down turn when the credit crunch happened…. Who now earn 5 or 6 figure cheques every month in commissions and bonuses.

Now, I know you’re thinking it’s impossible. Or ‘that won’t happen to me’ or the sceptic in you is on alert. But it’s no joke. For those who are able, willing and ready for the opportunity – under the guidance of a good upline / team leader – someone who made President and 5 figures in their 3rd month of the business… do you think you just might do well ? Yes, I think so to. So, the only word of warning is – if you’re looking at Ardyss / already looked at Ardyss – please, look at it with open eyes and an open mind. And become the business partner of someone who ‘gets it’, who is business minded and can help you to get off to a flying start.

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To get the password for the presentation, just email slim@bodymagic.me.uk or just take a look at: www.BodyMagic.Me.Uk

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